Blue-White Sonic-Pro Series S3

320 x 240 pixel QVGA backlit LCD display. Fully configurable keypad interface with master & configuration passwords.


320 x 240 pixel QVGA backlit LCD display. Five-button, fully configurable tactile switch keypad interface with security for master and configuration passwords.

  • User-selectable Doppler or Transit Time operating modes for measurement of both clean and dirty fluids
  • The meter can be factory configured for easy installation
  • Custom quality metric algorithms and DSP technology for reliable, high accuracy measurements
  • To allow for changes in the fluid’s particle count, SonicPro monitors the signal gain and employs an
    Automatic Gain Control (AGC) algorithm that periodically adjusts the gain, maintaining the optimum power level
  • Smart external communication with simple, intuitive, Sonic-Pro software
  • Portable, rugged carrying case for easy transportation between applications
  • 2-year factory warranty

MANUFACTURERS: Blue-White Industries
Blue-White Sonic Pro Series S3 Flowmeter
Model Number Display Pipe Range Mount Type Comm PC Price
S3A0HD181SDPMMALS Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A0KF007TANLMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A0KF010TANLMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1DA Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1DC Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1DE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1DG Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1EA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1EA030SDJGMALS Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1EB Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1ED030TLBGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1EE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1FD040DCJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1FE040SFJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1GA Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1GA020TLBGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1GA040SFJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1GAXXXGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1GE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HA Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HA100SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HA080SDGLMALF Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HA080SFPGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HB Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HC Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HC080DMJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HD Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HG080SDPLMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1HH161CEDGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1JA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1JB005SFLLMALF Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1JE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1KA007SFJGHAIE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1KC007SDLGMAJE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1XZ Yes with UI None None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A1XZ040DLJFDALE Yes with UI None None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A2DA Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3A2HB Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3A3HB181SBPLMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3B0EF040SANGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3B0GH060SDELMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3B0HG060SDELMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3B0JB051TALLHALS Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3B1DB060SDNGMANE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3B1HB161SFEGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3B1JB020SFJKMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3BXEE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3BXEEXXXXXXXXXXA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3BXGE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3BXGEXXXXXXXXXXA Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3BXGG Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1A7020SDJLMALE-Discontinued Model Call for Pricing
S3C1DA Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1DC Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1DH Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1EB040SDLGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1FA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1GB Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1GB030SDOGMAJE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1GE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1HA Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1HB Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1HB080SEJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1HE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1HE120DPJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1HG Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1JA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1JA020TLBGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1JB005SFJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3C1MA240DBGGMALE Yes with UI 4" - 48" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C2GE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T Yes Call for Pricing
S3C2JB Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V Yes Call for Pricing
S3C2KB010SDDLMAJE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3C3DA Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3C3HE020SDNMHALS Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z Yes Call for Pricing
S3CXDC100SFJLHANE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None Yes Call for Pricing
S3CXJA Yes with UI None None Yes Call for Pricing
S3X0EA030SFJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X0GA040SALMHALS Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X0HA060SDPGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X0HA100SDPGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X0HB060SDPGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X0HB120SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X0JB015TANGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1DA Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DC Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DD Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DF030CBEGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DF040CBEGMANE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DG Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1DH Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3X1EB Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1ED020SFJGMXXE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1EG Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1EH Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1FA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1FA030SFJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1FE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1GA Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GB030SDJGMANE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GB060SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GB080SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE020SFJGMANE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE040SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE040SDJGMANE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE060DHGGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE060SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE060SFJGMANE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE080SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GE080XXJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GF040DBJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1GF080CCEGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X1HA Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HB Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HC040SDJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HD Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HE040CCEGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HE060SFJGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HE100SAMGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HF Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HF060CCEGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1HF080CCEGMALE Yes with UI 2" - 24" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1JA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1JB010SFJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1JE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1JE015SFJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1JF Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1JG032DHKGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X1KE015SDJGMALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1ME Yes with UI 4" - 48" Z None Call for Pricing
S3X1XZ Yes with UI None None None Call for Pricing
S3X2GB020SDDGMADF Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X2GE Yes with UI 2" - 14" T None Call for Pricing
S3X2JA010TKBMHALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X2JE051PDPMHAJE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3X8DE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3XXDE Yes with UI 2" - 100" None None Call for Pricing
S3XXEE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3XXEE020SDPMHALE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3XXHF Yes with UI 2" - 24" V None Call for Pricing
S3XXJE Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing
S3XXJEXXXXXPMHALA Yes with UI 0.5" - 4" V None Call for Pricing